Fitness Assistant

Fitness Assistant

Fitness Assistant is a smart software solution for counting calories, managing bodyweight
Latest version 2.22
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Fitness Assistant 1.00 review

Editor rating
4 / 5
File size
2620 KB
Review date
1 November 2005

Fitness Assistant is for those who are serious about their exercise regime and weight loss program.
If you have set goals for losing certain weight by a certain date then this program will manage your program as a professional fitness assistant. It is software which provides a complete exercise and calorie consumption program for you. The interface displays a calendar and your goals set. Other options taken care of by the program are the calorie balance, calorie composition in your diet and your nutrition plan. It logs and analyses all your daily activities including training done, sports etc, to determine calories spent. It guides you in the process of calorie expenditure thereby preventing excess spending. It can keep records and present nutrition, calorie balance and recovery in graphical form. The reports of activities recorded can be printed.
You are already half way towards your goal by using this fitness program.